Conference Programme



Preparing for your presentation at the conference...

Oral Presentations

Presenters are requested to upload presentations here, well before the session in which you are scheduled to speak, in order to ensure a smooth conference. Use this file naming convention: Time(24hr format) _DAY_ROOM_LASTNAME. For videos/animations please embed in your presentation and transfer the file along with your presentation. 

Projector format is 16x9 (widescreen). Each room at the venue will have a data projector, laptop or presenter screen, audience screen, sound system and internet. Audio visual technician support will be on hand for any assistance needed.

Speakers will have 15 minutes, with 12 minutes for presenting and 3 minutes for questions, unless otherwise specified in the programme. Your session chair will support you with this. Poster presenters should bring their posters to reception on arrival to be directed where to place them and should plan to be present at the Poster & Networking Reception in order to take questions from other delegates.

Poster Presentations

Please print your poster in A0 portrait size and bring it with you to the conference on Tuesday Morning. Your poster location will match the programme number. Velcro dots will be provided and will be attached to the board for you to use.

Poster & Networking Reception: please plan to be present beside your poster during the Poster & Networking Reception on Tuesday 26 November, 5.20-7.00pm.

Programme Overview

DateDaytime ProgrammeEvening Programme
Monday, 25 November 2024Student Day (9.30am-4.00pm) @ Toi Ohomai campusIcebreaker (5.30-7.30pm) @ BREW, Rotorua’s own Croucher Brewing Co
Tuesday, 26 November 2024Conference Day 1  @ Energy Events CentrePoster reception (5.20-7.00pm) @ Energy Events Centre
Wednesday, 27 November 2024Conference Day 2 @ Energy Events CentreConference Dinner (6.30-10.30pm) @ Rydges Hotel
Thursday, 28 November 2024Conference Day 3 @ Energy Events Centre
(3.30pm close)

Friday, 29 November 2024Field Trips 
Option 1: Waimangu and Lake Rotomahana - A volcanic and geothermal experience
Option 2: Lake Ōkataina and Tauranganui - A Journey through Ngāti Tarāwhai Ancestral Lands




Photos: Chris Bycroft     

Conference Organisers

Conferences & Events Ltd
PO Box 24078, Manners Street, Wellington, 6011
  +64 4 384 1511


This conference is organised bConferences & Events Ltd.  We are a New Zealand business.