Conference Topics

AMN11 will include technical symposia organised around the following themes, broadly including all aspects of nanotechnology and advanced materials science.

Recyclable and reconfigurable materials

  • Advanced materials for the circular economy
  • Biological systems to support recycling
  • Recovering valuable materials from waste
  • Critical materials in our waste streams
  • Optimising materials use in a resource constrained world
  • Enhanced industrial processes for sustainability

Biological materials and bio-nanotechnology

  • Soft materials 
  • Engineered materials for biological applications 
  • Advanced materials as biointerfaces 
  • Materials for nanomedicine  
  • (Bio)optoelectronic materials 
  • Nano biomaterials

Sustainable Resource Use

  • Using Mātauranga Māori to enhance sustainable resource use
  • Designing out persistent organic pollutants
  • Considering the green credentials of new materials discovery and development
  • Advanced materials for wastewater/pollutant treatment

Materials for Zero Carbon Systems and Energy technology 

  • Materials for batteries and energy storage systems
  • Hydrogen production, storage and utilisation
  • Materials discovery using machine learning
  • Carbon capture and conversion
  • Modelling and measurement of host-guest interactions for surfaces and porous materials
  • Light harvesting/photovoltaic devices
  • Integration and implementation
  • Modelling and theory of materials

Materials for Low Energy Tech and Future Computing

  • ML and AI aspects for future computing
  • High performance and quantum computing need hardware development 
  • Cooler computing devices
  • Advanced heat sink materials
  • Beyond CMOS? Beyond Boolean logic?
  • Ising machines
  • Atomtronics
  • Electrocaloric and magnetocaloric materials
  • Semiconductors for IOT, sensing and quantum computing
  • Neuromorphic, unconventional and physical computing

Photonics, spectroscopy and materials characterisation

  • In-situ and operando materials characterisation
  • Synchrotron and neutron source methods and instrumentation
  • Spectroscopy - developments and applications
  • Photonics
  • Quantum optics
  • Modelling and Theory

Science outside the lab

  • Challenges and opportunities of commercialising fundamental science
  • Citizen science
  • The virtuous cycle of fundamental science and commercialisation (dollars, inspiration and talent)
  • The commercial drivers of a green transition based on advanced materials
  • Interface between academia and industry

Other topics in advanced materials and nanotechnology

Confirmed 2025 Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor


Destination Partner


Bronze Sponsor





AMN11 is managed by Conferences & Events Ltd.

Conference Manager: Amy Abel 
 +64  4 384 1511

This event is organised by Conferences & Events Ltd.  We are a New Zealand business.