Call for Abstracts 

Abstract submission is now closed.

Key Dates

  Abstract Submission Deadline: Extended to 23 August 2024

  Authors advised of acceptance: 27 September 2024

  Early bird registration closes:  25 October 2024

  Presenters must register and pay: 25 October 2024


Abstract Format
You are required to submit your abstract into a text box via the online submission form. Your abstract should be no more than 250 words and should outline the aims and content of the presentation and include references (an additional 150 words are allowed for references).  Images are not allowed. 

Conference Topics
Technical symposia will be organised around the following themes, broadly including all aspects of nanotechnology and advanced materials science:

Recyclable and reconfigurable materials   

  • Advanced materials for the circular economy
  • Biological systems to support recycling
  • Recovering valuable materials from waste
  • Critical materials in our waste streams
  • Optimising materials use in a resource constrained world
  • Enhanced industrial processes for sustainability

Sustainable Resource Use  

  • Using Mātauranga Māori to enhance sustainable resource use
  • Designing out persistent organic pollutants
  • Considering the green credentials of new materials discovery and development
  • Advanced materials for wastewater/pollutant treatment

Materials for Low Energy Tech and Future Computing 

  • ML and AI aspects for future computing
  • High performance and quantum computing need hardware development 
  • Cooler computing devices
  • Advanced heat sink materials
  • Beyond CMOS? Beyond Boolean logic?
  • Ising machines
  • Atomtronics
  • Electrocaloric and magnetocaloric materials
  • Semiconductors for IOT, sensing and quantum computing

Science outside the lab     

  • Challenges and opportunities of commercialising fundamental science
  • Citizen science
  • The virtuous cycle of fundamental science and commercialisation (dollars, inspiration and talent)
  • The commercial drivers of a green transition based on advanced materials
  • Interface between academia and industry

Biological materials

  • Soft materials
  • Engineered materials for biological applications
  • Advanced materials as biointerfaces 
  • Materials for nanomedicine
  • (Bio)optoelectronic materials
  • Nano biomaterials

Materials for Zero Carbon Systems    

  • Materials for batteries and energy storage systems
  • Hydrogen production, storage and utilisation
  • Materials discovery using machine learning
  • Carbon capture and conversion
  • Modelling and measurement of host-guest interactions for surfaces and porous materials
  • Light harvesting/photovoltaic devices
  • Integration and implementation

Photonics, spectroscopy and materials characterisation    

  • In-situ and operando materials characterisation
  • Spectroscopy - developments and applications
  • Photonics
  • Quantum optics
  • Modelling and Theory

You will have the opportunity to indicate your areas of interest through the online abstract submission process.

Presentation Formats
Oral presentations will be allocated 12+3 minutes, which will accommodate the presentation followed by short discussion.
Posters  will be allocated a 1 metre wide x 2 meters high board and the poster must fit within this area.  The boards are covered in a front runner material which are suitable for Velcro (supplied by the organisers).

You will have the opportunity to select your preferred format during the online abstract submission process.

Abstract Review
Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the conference organising committee who will do their best to accommodate the wishes of the submitters for oral or poster presentations. However, it is expected that due to the large number of submissions that some requests for oral presentations will have to be assigned as posters.  If your submission is not accepted for an oral presentation it is not a reflection of the quality of your submission but rather due to time constraints and the need to ensure all aspects of the conference topics are adequately covered. The organisers reserve the right to reject submitted abstracts that are poorly written, do not follow the submission guidelines and/or are outside the scope of the conference.  Notification of acceptance will be emailed by 27 September 2024.

Audiovisual Equipment
Each room at the conference venue will have a minimum of the following:

  • Data projector
  • Laptop
  • Screen

Presenters should bring their presentation to the conference on a memory stick.  A technician will be onsite to load your presentation.  However you will be emailed 2-3 weeks prior to the conference by the organisers who will ask for you to email your presentation if you have it ready.

Presenters Registration
All presenters, other than those specifically sponsored, or those advised by the Conference Committee as being registration fee exempt, are required to register and pay for the conference.  Presenters also need to meet their own travel and accommodation costs. Presenters need to register and pay by 25 October 2024 otherwise their paper risks being removed from the programme.

Confirmed 2025 Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor


Destination Partner


Silver Sponsor


Bronze Sponsor




AMN11 is managed by Conferences & Events Ltd.

Conference Manager: Amy Abel 
 +64  4 384 1511

This event is organised by Conferences & Events Ltd.  We are a New Zealand business.