Travelling to New Zealand is easy to attend a conference

New Zealand is approximately a 10 hour direct flight from most places in the Pacific Rim, including Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, the west coast of the USA and it is only a 3 hour flight for neighbouring pacific islands and the eastern seaboard of Australia.

Options to fly direct to Auckland (New Zealand’s main international airport) or directly to Wellington with a new Singapore Airlines connection via Canberra. Numerous daily flights connect Auckland and Wellington with a 1 hour flight time.

International Connections to Auckland

Weekly flights connecting you to Auckland.

International arrivals every day.

International Airlines fly direct to Auckland from 33 destinations around the world.

International connections to Wellington

International Airlines fly directly to Wellington from 6 international destinations.

Direct Trans Tasman flights a week to Wellington.

Need to get between Auckland Airport and Rotorua?

If you aren’t flying and need a ride between the Auckland Airport and Rotorua we recommend contacting Ready 2 Roll. Simply email your name, flight #, arrival date and that you are part of the “SapFlow Workshop” by one week prior to and they will confirm your pickup.

Cost each direction as below. By advising you are part of the “SapFlow Workshop” (and if you are willing to be flexible in your pick up time), Ready to Roll will attempt to group you with other workshop guests needing pick up at a similar time. If this occurs the rate will adjust based on total numbers in the shuttle but cannot be guaranteed in advance. 

1 pax - $325
2 Pax - $355
3 pax - $425
4 pax - $435
5 – 10 Adults - $495

All prices above are listed in NZD.
Please note that bookings can be taken up to 1 week prior to the Workshop. 

If you have the time to take a more scenic route, please click here to view the bus option. 

Conference Organisers

Conferences & Events Ltd
 +64  4 384 1511

This event is organised by Conferences & Events Ltd, Wellington, Nelson & Nationwide.  We are a New Zealand business.