Conference Venue

NASDAP is delighted to announce that the 2025 Conference will be held at Wellington's convention centre Tākina. 

The meaning of Tākina

Tākina means to invoke, to summon, to connect, to bring forth. And in Wellington, the most powerful force that is summoned here is the wind. It shapes and defines so much of our identity as a city, Tākina draws amazing and very personal encounters our way.Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington harbour) is renowned for its unique and diverse winds. Some days they rage across the harbour, blowing everything before them. At other times, they are soft, welcoming, calm. We treasure and invoke all of them, and each of them, because together they make Wellington a unique place.Those winds are a metaphor for magic, exuberance, sharing and ideas. The winds express the shift of knowledge from one generation to another. They move things forward. They carry truths and viewpoints here from the universe and move them on, like dust, to others thousands of miles away.

Tākina Wellington Convention Centre

217 Wakefield Street 

NASDAP 2025 is managed by Conferences & Events Ltd.

Conference Manager: Kerry South 
 +64  4 384 1511

This event is organised by Conferences & Events Ltd.  We are a New Zealand business.