Call for Workshops

November 2024

Workshop submission Opens

28 March 2025

Workshop submission deadline

May 2025

Workshop confirmed

May 2025

Provisional programme released

Get involved!

The conference is an ideal environment and opportunity for us to share innovative practice. We seek interactive workshops that fit with the theme:

Leadership resilience in time of complexity & change

To receive reminders about deadlines be sure to express your interest!

How to get involved

As a presenter or workshop faciliator, we ask you to:

  • Design and deliver engaging sessions: Create an interactive offering that provides practical skills, strategies, and knowledge for participants.
  • Facilitate group activities and discussions: Lead participants through hands-on exercises, case studies, or group discussions to deepen their understanding.
  • Provide materials and resources: Develop handouts, digital resources, or other materials to support participant learning and application post-conference.

There are lots of resources available online that can assist you but get in touch if you have questions and we can support you. 

Workshops are one hour in length and should cater for ~50 people but due to the attendance at NASDAP some will need to support more (75 - 90). If you feel your workshop needs to be kept to a smaller size please note that in your submission and it will still be considered.

How to submit

Prepare the following information:

  • Title: Provide a clear and concise title that reflects the key focus or theme of your workshop.
  • Description (Maximum 300 words):
    • How your offering links to the conference theme. 
    • What content you will cover.
  • Learning intentions
    • What will educators gain from attending (skills, knowledge, strategies).
    • Any proposed workshop contributors or co-presenters.
    • How will you make it interactive.
    • Success criteria.
  • Presenter profile & image
  • Special Requests: 
    Please let us know if you have any specific requests, and we’ll do our best to accommodate them.
    • Preferred minimum/maximum participant numbers
    • Non-standard AV or technical equipment requirements

More information

We appreciate the time and effort involved in organising and presenting at our conference. To maintain a balanced and inclusive environment for all attendees, we require all presenters to register at standard rates. If you are only able to attend the day or session you are presenting at please let us know as special rates may apply. Registration and payment of registration fee by presenters of accepted workshops must be completed no later than 19 June 2025

Accepted workshops will be notified in May 2025. Once confirmed, these will be featured on the website and in event newsletters.

By submitting, you consent to the publication of your workshop details in the conference materials, including the website and programme following acceptance.

NASDAP 2025 is managed by Conferences & Events Ltd.

Conference Manager: Kerry South 
 +64  4 384 1511

This event is organised by Conferences & Events Ltd.  We are a New Zealand business.