Image: GNS Science
Leaders: Kate Lewis, Elaine Smid, Jenni Hopkins, Jan Lindsay
Duration: 2 days, (3 nights)
Fitness level: Low to moderate
Summary: This 2 day pre-conference field trip will offer an overview of the volcanism, magmatism, and hazard of the currently active Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF). The city of Auckland, New Zealand’s largest city, sits on top of the AVF, making volcanic research critical in this region. Understanding the hazard and risk posed by volcanism is determined through the study of the physical characteristics and evolution of the AVF. On 27 January, we will visit a range of volcanic centres and discuss the physical evolution of the volcanoes with examples of phreatomagmatic and magmatic eruptions, observing detailed maar and tuff ring formations, scoria cones, lava flows, and pyroclastic density flow deposits. We will also see evidence for nested cones, parasitic cones, and coupled cones, and use these to challenge our understanding of the term “monogenetic”. We will look at how these landforms have been weathered, eroded, and manipulated by people through time by blending in sites of significance to Māori, whakataukī (guiding wisdoms), and mātauranga (knowledge). On 28 January we will travel by boat to Rangitoto Island – the AVF’s youngest volcano, to explore recent volcanic deposits and also pristine New Zealand native bush. Our findings in the field will be discussed in the context of hazard and risk, where we will frequently ask “how can we use our observations to prepare for the next eruption in Auckland?”.
Lunches on 27 and 28 January and dinner on 27 January, and all transport during the field trip are provided. Accommodation arrangements in Auckland and additional meals are not included so that participants may choose options that best suit their budget.
Transport from Auckland to Rotorua on 29 January is included in the price of this trip. This is organised to arrive in time for the start of the conference proceedings.
This field trip is heavily subsidised by the Determining Volcanic Risk in Auckland (DEVORA) research programme, which is supported by Toka Tū Ake EQC (NZ’s disaster insurance provider) and Auckland Council. DEVORA is co-led by the University of Auckland and GNS Science. The Tūpuna Maunga o Tāmaki Makaurau Authority is also providing vital support for this field trip.
Conference Organiser
Conferences & Events Ltd