Call for Research Proposals
He Karanga mō ngā Pepa Rangahau 

Deadline Date: Friday 1st November 2024
Te Rā Tuku: Paraire te 1 o Noema 2024

Click the button to the right to begin your submission. 
Pāwhiritia te pātene ki te taha matau kia tīmata ai tō tāpaetanga. 

If you have research that you would like to present, we invite you to submit a research proposal. This is your opportunity to share valuable ideas and insights with your peers to help shape the future of schools across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Ki te hiahia koe ki te whakaatu atu i ētahi mahi rangahau āu, tēnei te reo pōwhiri kia tāpai rā koe i tētahi pepa rangahau. Koinei te wā e toha ai koe i ētahi whakaaro whaihua me ētahi māramatanga ki ō hoa hei āwhina i te tāraitanga o te anamata o ngā kura huri noa i Aotearoa.

Types of Sessions
We will feature two types of concurrent sessions: Presentations and Workshops. Please keep these guidelines in mind when submitting your proposal.

Presentation Format
If you have research that you would like to present in a seminar style, we invite you to submit a Presentation proposal. This is your opportunity to share valuable ideas and insights with your peers to help shape the future of schools across Aotearoa New Zealand. 

The speaker sessions are 45 minutes long - ideally a 35-minute presentation and 10 minutes for Q+A.

Workshop Format
If you have a Workshop that you would like to present, we invite you to submit a Workshop proposal. Workshops should be interactive and engage the attendees in reaching an outcome.

The Workshops are 45 minutes long and are aimed to be hands-on and fully interactive. 

Guidelines for All Proposal Submissions

  • Submissions should be no more than 500 words. No images are allowed. 
  • You will be required to enter a bio for the Presenting Author (max. 100 words). 
  • If you are submitting on behalf of the Presenter, please have their email address ready to include in the submission.

A panel will review the proposals and will offer positions by the 29th November 2024. Chosen proposals will be added to the conference app, and you will have the opportunity to provide a link to your full paper.

Key Dates

  • Call for Research Proposals Opens: August 2024 
  • Submission Deadline: Friday 1st November 2024
  • Presenters Notified: Friday 29th November 2024
  • Provisional Programme Published: December 2024

Language of Submission
All proposals must be submitted in English or accompanied with an English version.

Word Count
Research proposals should be no longer than 500 words.

Review and Notification to Authors
All completed proposals will be reviewed. You will be informed by email from of the acceptance status of your proposal. Please add this email address to your safe contacts list.

All accepted presenters are required to register no later than Monday 3 March 2025 to be included in the programme and to present onsite. 

By submitting a proposal, authors agree to publication of chosen proposals on the conference app and conference proceeding or similar by PPTA.

Conference Organisers

Conferences & Events Ltd
 +64  4 384 1511

This event is organised by Conferences & Events Ltd, Wellington, Auckland, Nelson & Nationwide. We are a New Zealand business.