Nau Mai, Haere Mai.
The National Secondary Education Leadership Summit, a key event for secondary education leaders in Aotearoa New Zealand returns in April 2025. Join us for a transformative three-day experience featuring collaborative discussions, inspiring keynote speakers, and respected thought leaders.
We invite secondary education leaders from across the motu to collaborate, learn and connect. You’ll have the opportunity to walk away feeling inspired and reinvigorated, with new contacts and a game plan towards being a leader others aspire to become.
Angela Roberts, Conference Convenor
Ko te National Secondary Education Leadership Summit tētahi kaupapa nui mā ngā kaiārahi i ngā kura tuarua huri noa i Aotearoa, ā, ka hoki mai tēnei hui hei te Āperira 2025. Haere mai ki tēnei wheako whakaohooho, e 3 rā te roanga, kia wānanga ngātahi ai tātou, kia rongo ai koe i ētahi kaikōrero matua whakaaweawe me ētahi atu rangatira e kaha whakautengia ana.
E tukua atu ana te reo pōwhiri ki ngā kaiārahi i ngā kura tuarua huri noa i te motu kia haere mai rā ki te mahi tahi, ki te ako, ki te tūhono hoki. Mēnā koe ka haere mai, ka wehe atu koe e rongo ana i te ranga wairua me te ngākau hihiko, ka whai hoa koe, ā, ka riro i a koe tētahi whakamahere hei ārahi i tō haerenga ki te tū hei rangatira e wewehi nei te marea.
Nā Angela Roberts, Conference Convenor
PPTA Te Wehengarua is the professional association and union of teachers and principals committed to improving secondary education for New Zealand students. So, who is this conference for? While all teachers are required to be leaders, this conference will focus on supporting those in, or aspiring to leadership roles - principals, aspiring principals, senior leaders, heads of faculties, and deans.
Ko te PPTA Te Wehengarua te rōpū ngaio me te uniana mō ngā kaiako me ngā tumuaki e titikaha nei ki te whakapai ake i te mātauranga kura tuarua mō ngā ākonga o Aotearoa. Nō reira, mō wai tēnei hui? Ahakoa me tū ngā kaiako katoa hei kaihautū, e aro ana tēnei hui ki te tautoko i a rātou e tū ana, e aronui ana rānei ki te whai i ngā mahi hautū, arā - hei tumuaki, e aronui ana rānei hei tumuaki, hei kaihautū matua, hei upoko, hei tīni hoki.
Research Proposal Submissions Open
Research Proposal Submission Deadline
Friday 29th November 2024
Presenters notified of acceptance
February 2025
Provisional Programme published