Image: Zoë Hilton


2021 Student Awards

We are happy to announce the following awards to student presenters of the conference. These awards are brought to you with the support of Ressources Aquatiques Québec. Congratulations to:

Best oral presentation: Jodi Thomas (James Cook University)

Highly commended oral presentation: Mathilde Godefroid (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Highly commended oral presentation: Logan Kozal (University of California Santa Barbara)

Best poster presentation: Joanna Copedo (Auckland University of Technology/Cawthron)

Highly commended poster presentation: Awanis Azizan (Auckland University of Technology)

Highly commended poster presentation: Matthew Clements (The University of Sydney)

13 Sept - Final Conference Message

Thank you for participating. If you attended you will continue to have access to all session recordings and poster presentations until fantastic 13 October 2021. A post event email and survey is being released to all those registered today.

25 Aug Update: Preparing to move to virtual only

Due to the COVID-related lockdown in New Zealand, the organising committee has decided that a virtual-only conference is now best. While disappointed to not be hosting people in person, we have a strong programme planned and feel confident that the virtual conference will be just as useful. As approximately half our audience is already virtual, for many of you, the below plan will simply provide an even richer experience.

To better suit the changed format, the programme has been updated resulting in some presentations shifting, most notably one of the sessions now being offered on the afternoon of Tuesday 7 September.

What will the virtual conference experience include?

  • One easy to navigate virtual conference platform
  • Virtual networking allowing you to interact with each other regardless of location (text, video chat, scheduled meetings)
  • Virtual poster presentationPost-conference on-demand access (if you can’t join in a session live you will be able to access the recording)
  • Sessions will be run as Zoom Meetings with easy access via the online agenda on the virtual platform

Information for presenters:

All presenters can elect to present live virtually if desired. Please review the updated programme and ensure you have responded to the recent email to advise us if your preference is to present live or if we should use your recording. All presenters are asked to provide recordings regardless of choice as a backup precaution.  We will be in touch with presenters again soon to provide you with a rehearsal option and to give clear instructions to those planning to present live.

18 Aug Update: COVID alert level change in New Zealand

Due to the COVID alert level changes in New Zealand announced yesterday the event committee will review plans for this event and expects to provide an update in the first half of next week. 

Presenters are asked to please continue to follow preparation instructions shared by email. We do appreciate those of you based in New Zealand may require a bit more time to submit your backup recording due to the change of circumstances this week.View the programme and abstract book on the programme webpage here.

26 May 2021 Update: Abstract deadline extended

Due to the joint nature of this event, the abstract deadline has been extended to 20 June 2021 to provide additional time for ANZMBS members to submit their abstracts.

1 April 2021 Update: Physiomar & ANZMBS join forces

The 2021 Physiomar organising committee, is happy to announce the release of Physiomar 2.0, now a join event with the 4th ANZMBS Conference.

We continue to stay with the September 2021 timing and will re-opening the call for submissions. Due to the disruption of international travel by COVID, the conference will now offer both virtual and in person registration. Please stay tuned for upcoming announcements for more detailed programme information.

The Australia New Zealand Marine Biotechnology Society (ANZMBS) aims to advance marine biotechnology in Australia and New Zealand through the exchange of ideas and collaborations between researchers, biotechnologists, industry and government colleagues and other interested parties.

15 April 2020 COVID-19 Update

The 2020 Physiomar organising committee, in consultation with our conference manager Conferences & Events, has postponed the September 2020 conference by one year to 7-10 September 2021 as a result of COVID-19.

Conference Organisers

Conferences & Events Ltd
Conference Manager: Kerry South  
 +64  4 282 1633

This event is organised by Conferences & Events Ltd, Nelson, Wellington, Auckland & Nationwide.  We are a New Zealand business.