Science media training

Karawhiūa! Free give-it-a-go media training for researchers at GSNZ

Science Media Savvy Express offers one-on-one training sessions for researchers to improve the way they communicate key ideas from their work with the wider public. Individual sessions run for just 15 minutes and are free of charge. They're great as a quick refresher for experienced communicators, and offer a supportive, confidence-building environment for first-timers. 

The Science Media Centre's popular programme offers scientists and researchers a chance to practice speaking about their work on-camera, with helpful advice and feedback from experienced media professionals. Participants will learn practical tips for communicating their work to a wider audience and -- as an added bonus -- can receive the video clip of them explaining their research that they are free to reuse as they choose. 

Savvy Express runs during pre-assigned time slots at the conference venue for one day only - Wed 27 November.

Places are limited and entry is by selection. Register here to express your interest in participating:

Science Media Savvy Express is a project of the NZ Science Media Centre, funded by the Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment (MBIE).

For more information, contact the Science Media Centre: or 027 3333 000.

Conference Organisers

Conferences & Events Ltd
Conference Manager: Ali Howard
64 4 384 1511 

This event is organised by Conferences & Events Ltd.  We are a New Zealand business.