Plenary Speaker

We would like to introduce you to our Plenary Speaker for GSNZ 2024. 

Dr Christina Hulbe

How I stopped catastrophising and learned to think differently about climate tipping points: Dynamics of the marine ice sheet instability on Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica

Rapid change in the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica raises concern that a threshold for unstoppable grounding line retreat has been or is about to be crossed. The grounding line is a transition between ice that is resting on the sea floor and ice that is floating in the ocean. As ice flows across this boundary, water that had been stored away in the ice sheet returns to the global ocean. In its simplest form, the threshold for unstoppable retreat is due to the inland-deepening bed of the glacier together with the power-law relationship between ice thickness and ice flux across the boundary. More completely, stability of the grounding line position depends on the three-dimensional shape of the landscape through which the glacier flows and processes acting at its boundaries. The focus here is the shape of, and spatial variation in, the subglacial bed. Using a dynamical model of ice sheet flow, we show that as the grounding line retreats, the threshold for runaway retreat does not occur a place but through a set of processes and that small differences in forcing lead to large differences in retreat rate and ice discharge across the grounding line. Put another way, there is neither reason to panic when particular geographic waypoints are passed, nor reason to be relieved that they have not. Retreat may be inevitable past a certain dynamical threshold, but the rate at which the retreat proceeds remains in our control.

Dr Christina Hulbe is Professor in Te Kura Kairūri the National School of Surveying at Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka. She is a geophysicist who specializes in glaciology, using empirical data and computational models to study how and why Antarctic glacier ice changes over time. Since moving to Otago in 2013, Christina has participated in NZARI- and MBIE-funded interdisciplinary programmes investigating rate-determining processes associated with deglaciation in the Ross Sea, working across scales in space and time and visiting sites where critical observations can be made. She is engaged in a wide range of service activities, including leadership roles in the International Glaciological Society, supporting the Waitaki Whitestone Geopark, and meme development for the annual Tawaki piki toka campaign in Forest & Bird’s Bird of the Year.

Conference Organisers

Conferences & Events Ltd
Conference Manager: Ali Howard
64 4 384 1511 

This event is organised by Conferences & Events Ltd.  We are a New Zealand business.