We wanted to remind you of the success of the GSNZ 2023 Conference and we are delighted to now direct you to the website of the 2024 GSNZ Conference, which will be held at University of Otago Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka from 25-29 November 2024. 


The conference has now concluded and thank you to everyone that registered.  We will automatically send you the information for the next conference when dates and a venue have been arranged and we look forward to seeing you there. If your email address changes, please send your new address to gsnz@confer.co.nz. If you did not register for this conference but wish to receive information on the next conference, please email us at gsnz@confer.co.nz to express your interest.

Update Jan 2024: the next conference will be at Otago University 25-29 November 2024.  Further information will be published in the first quarter of 2024. 

Congratulations to our Student Award winners! 

Best Student Oral Presentation: 
Katie Hughes, Victoria University of Wellington

Kerstin Gruender, Victoria University of Wellington

Best Student Poster Presentation: 
Stephen Kwong, Victoria University of Wellington

Joint Runners-up:
Abigail Underwood, University of Canterbury
Michelle Fitzgerald, University of Otago
Javiera Andrea Ruz Ginouves, University of Otago

GSNZ Annual Conference 2023   - Where Plates and People Meet


E ngā tini tāngata. To the multitudes. 
Nau piki, nau kake ki runga i Te Whanganui ā-Tāra. Welcome to the Great Bay of Tara. (Wellington) 
Ki tēnei huihuinga motuhake. To this auspicious gathering.
Hau, hau. I rire e. Hau. Pai mārire. Unity and peace.

In the spirit of the welcome above and our beautiful conference logo, we extend a warm invitation for you to join us in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington for the 2023 Geoscience Society of New Zealand annual conference, running from 13-16th November 2023. The conference will be held on campus at Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington and will include oral and poster sessions, keynote speakers, a public lecture and field trips. Our conference theme is based on the concept of “Where Plates and People Meet” so we will have a range of science and social opportunities for you to enjoy over the conference week.

On Monday evening 13th November, the Conference Icebreaker will occur with the core conference programme running Tuesday to Thursday, including extended poster sessions to maximise the benefit and effort that goes into preparing such presentations. We are also planning pre-conference workshops, fieldtrips and a Public Outreach day, student and early career-focussed social events, and BBQ and Gala dinners, so please ensure to keep an eye out for our upcoming announcements. We are excited to host you all in the capital, to share the unique environment of the city, ply you with craft beer and good food, and to provide an excellent opportunity for you to meet with your peers and network with the wider geoscience community and sponsors.  

We look forward to seeing you all in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington in November this year!

Scott Nodder, Conference Convenor 
                                         Kat Holt, President, Geoscience Society of New Zealand

Local Organising Committee:
Linda Balfoort, Victoria University of Wellington
Carolyn Boulton, Victoria University of Wellington
Calum Chamberlain, Victoria University of Wellington  
Grace Frontin-Rollet, NIWA   
Mike Hannah, Victoria University of Wellington
Kat Holt, Massey  
Scott Nodder, NIWA (Chair)
Yaasameen Shalla, GNS   
Jenny Stein, GNS
Susi Woelz, NIWA

Conference Logo 

The logo for this year's GSNZ Conference features the Te Whanganui a Tara Wellington landscape and harbour as viewed from Raukawa Cook Strait. This is underlain by the Pacific and Australian tectonic plates whose meeting and collision has created Aotearoa New Zealand as we know it today.
The logo also features imagery of two hands planting a raukura, a white feather, into the earth. This is symbolic of the planting of a real white feather in the grounds of Parliament following the cleansing of the site after the February 2022 occupation. That feather was planted by Te Ātiawa/Taranaki Whānui/NZ Parliament Kaumātua/Te Rūnanga nui o Te Ātiawa chair Kura Moeahu and Deputy Prime Minister Grant Roberston together, to symbolise the partnership of Māori and tauiwi (non-Māori) in cleansing past conflicts and striving toward a prosperous future through peace and mutual respect.

This imagery and its meaning were generously gifted to the GSNZ Conference 2023 by Matua Kelvin Tapuke (Te Ātiawa , Ngāti Tama, Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāi Tai, Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki , Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau a Apānui, Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki, Ngāi Tūhoe, Te Whakatōhea, Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Raukawa, Toa Rangatira) with approval from Kaumātua Kura Moeahu. He mihi atu ki a kōrua, Kura Moeahu, Kelvin Tapuke. Mei kore ko kōrua!

Key Dates

  19 July 2023 - Abstract submission opens

   18 August 2023  1 September 2023 -  Deadline for abstract submission 

   August 2023  - Registration opens 

   15 September 2023 Early October 2023  - Authors notified

   13 October 2023  - Early Bird Registrations close (please note that the deadline will not be extended)


GSNZ 2023 is on social media! Follow us and share information about the conference with your networks and colleagues. 

Geoscience Society of New Zealand
The Society encourages the advancement of the geosciences in New Zealand and has more than 500 members, an elected national committee, eight branches and a number of subcommittees and special interest groups.  Membership is open to all who are interested in the geosciences.

Special thanks and credit to Jenny Stein for designing the conference logo.

Call for Abstracts

 Deadline for Abstract Submission: 1 September 2023 




Early Bird Registration Deadline: 13 October 2023. 

Register Now!

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Supporting Sponsor



Conference Organisers

Conferences & Events Ltd
Conference Manager: Ali Howard
64 4 384 1511 

This event is organised by Conferences & Events Ltd, Wellington, Auckland, Nelson & Nationwide.  We are a New Zealand business.