Call for abstracts

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday 19 April 2024  extended 1 May 2024
Author Acceptance Notification: Monday 24 May 2024 


The 2024 NZTA Bridge and Geotechnical Conference organising committee invite you to submit an abstract for consideration and inclusion in the technical programme.

Topics for Submission

Submission topics include but are not limited to to the following topics:

  • Innovation & efficiency in design
  • Asset management practice
  • Advances in materials and research
  • Technology in structures
  • Standards and guidance documents
  • Project case studies
  • Emergency & disaster response in horizontal infrastructure

Format of Abstract Submission

  • Abstracts to be submitted in English
  • Submissions should be no more than 400 words
  • Presentation time should be 17 minutes + 3 minutes for Q&A
  • You will be required to enter in the author/co-authors and affiliations separately during the submission process
  • You will be required to enter a bio/career history for the Presenting Author/s (max. 150 words each)
  • If you are submitting on behalf of the Presenter/s, please have their email address/s ready to include in the submission

IMPORTANT: Once you have completed your submission, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive this confirmation email, we have NOT received your submission. Please remember to check your spam/junk folders and contact the conference organisers should you need assistance at

General Information

Review and Notification to Authors
All completed abstract submissions will be reviewed. Authors will be notified by 24 May 2024 regarding acceptance of their abstract. 

All presenters are required to register and pay the registration fee in order to be included in the programme and to present in person at the conference. Registration and payment of registration fee by presenters of accepted abstracts must be completed by the early bird registration deadline of Friday 31 May 2024.

By submitting an abstract, authors agree to the publication of chosen abstracts on the conference mobile app, book of abstracts and conference proceedings or similar by the NZTA Bridge and Geotechnical Conference 2024 committee.

Conference Manager
Amy Abel 
   +64  4 384 1511

This event is organised by Conferences & Events Ltd, Wellington, Auckland, Nelson & Nationwide.  We are a New Zealand business.