New Seismic Hazard Models to new Design Practice – Challenges and Opportunities
Matt Gerstenberger and Alistair Cattanach
The NSHM is has been an opportunity for a significant re-look at risk. However, as industry professionals we will now need to address consequence. This plenary session aims to open dialog on aspects of social, economic and cultural consequences that result. Will increasing loads make us design better buildings? Will we know how to better tune buildings to be least affected by their subsoil conditions? Are we getting best ‘bang for buck’ from where the market is driving our efforts and Clients’ expenditure? How should we, manage and communicate change in our professional fields? This talk is aimed at opening up the broad range of discussion we will need, to be able to appropriately answer the questions society asks of us beyond the issue of the NSHM.
Conference Manager: Amy Abel
+64 4 282 1583