Call for Workshops is now closed
Workshop submission deadline
Workshop confirmed
Provisional programme released
The conference is an ideal environment and opportunity for us to share innovative practice. We seek interactive workshops that fit with the theme:
For the Curious, courageous, change-makers.
To receive reminders about deadlines be sure to express your interest!
Workshops are currently planned to be approximately one hour should cater for between 30 and 70 people. Breakout rooms will be setup in classroom style where possible in order to facilitate group work.
We strongly encourage you to make workshops interactive for the best results for you and those attending. There are lots of resources available online that can assist you but get in touch if you have questions and we can support you.
Submission Guidelines
Please provide a brief paragraph, no more than 300 words, outlining what the workshop will cover and including the following:
Submitting your Workshop Proposal
Word Count
Submissions should be no longer than 300 words.
Review and Notification to Authors
All completed proposals will be reviewed. You will be informed by email from of the acceptance status of your workshop submission by the first week of May 2023
All presenters are encouraged to attend the whole event and to register and pay the early bird conference registration fee. If you are only able to attend the day or session you are presenting at please let us know as special rates may apply. Registration and payment of registration fee by presenters of accepted workshops must be completed no later than 21 June 2023.
Conference Manager: Kerry South
+64 4 384 1511