
 Delegate attendance includes complimentary accommodation for the night of 7 July at 

The Brentwood Hotel and travel which can both be booked with your registration. 

Travel costs up to a maximum of $500 incl. GST can also be reimbursed afterwards & see below for details. 



We are holding a number of rooms at the Brentwood Hotel and encourage you to register early and book your accommodation. Due to limited capacity at The Brentwood, we encourage you to join up with another delegate in a Twin room and this can be notified on the registration form. 

The complimentary accommodation which is included in the registration is for the night of 7 July only and includes breakfast on 8 July. The conference will finish at approx. 4pm on 8 July to allowing you time to travel home.

The conference will start at 9.30am on 7 July. The Brentwood Hotel runs a complimentary transport from the airport, which takes approx. 10 minutes.

If your flights mean that you are unable to arrive in time for the first session, please email us as we may be able to offer a room on Sunday 6 July.

If you wish to extend your stay at The Brentwood at your own cost, before or after the conference, please email  

Please note additional payments at the hotel such as additional nights, bar tab or phone calls are to be paid directly to the Brentwood Hotel.    

Room Type: Single, twin sharing or double rooms available.
Breakfast: Breakfast is available.


If you require flights, please provide these details during your registration: 

  • flying from
  • date
  • time
  • preferred flight number
  • Air Points number (if available)
You may also book your flights /travel yourself and claim reimbursement after the conference up to a maximum of $500 incl. GST

An application for reimbursements may also be made for travel via public transport, driving, and taxis or uber within Wellington city to the conference venue. If the conference organisers booked your flights, please note that expenses incurred travelling to and from your home to the airport or airport parking are not eligible for reimbursement from PPTA and we suggest you ask your school for assistance with this. 

Please note reimbursement can only be made if full receipts/tickets are provided. After the conference, please email  to request a reimbursement form.

Driving: Mileage is paid at $1.04 per km. You do not need to provide receipts for mileage but please make a note of the distance travelled for the application. On routes where flights are readily available, and are significantly cheaper than driving but you would prefer to drive, we can offer the equivalent cost of an airfare.


Conference Organisers

Conferences & Events Ltd
 +64  4 384 1511

This event has been developed by the Pūtea Whakawhanake Pouako | PPTA Learning and Development Centre team in collaboration with members of the Aotearoa New Zealand secondary school community and the Ministry of Education Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga. This event has received full funding from the Ministry of Education Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga.

This event is organised by Conferences & Events Ltd. We are a New Zealand business.