Kerikeri, 5 - 8 July 2020
We are please to announce the following speakers for NZES 2020, with more to come.
Te Tohu Taiao - Award for Ecological Excellence Recipient
Dr Sarah Richardson has been a plant ecologist at Manaaki
Whenua – Landcare Research for 20 years. One of her main research interests is
understanding how and why plant functional traits vary within and among species.
She is particularly interested in determining how plant traits vary along
environmental gradients, especially soil fertility gradients associated with
chronosequences and toposequences. These gradients have been used to showcase
the extent to which trait values can vary within a species, and how this
intraspecific variation can contribute to functional diversity. Dr Richardson’s
research also takes a larger-scale perspective and places the distinctive plant
traits found in New Zealand into a biogeographic context to understand the
origin and drivers of New Zealand’s island flora, and what factors shape the
range of plant strategies found here. She has collected plant functional trait
data from leaves, roots, stems and reproductive traits and, more recently,
assembled data on phenological traits available through citizen science
initiatives. She has analysed these trait data to refine national scale forest
carbon stocks, to create functional biodiversity indicators for central
government agencies to report on ecological integrity, and to generate maps of
nectar availability for the honey industry.
John Innes is a scientist at Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research (MWLR) in Hamilton, NZ. He has researched small mammal pests and their impacts and control for four decades, and thus nears his use-by date. He and colleagues have hosted annual workshops for national sanctuaries practitioners for 15 years, that resulted in the 2014 formation of Sanctuaries of NZ Inc (SONZI), a practitioner’s group to represent sanctuaries. John serves on DOC specialist advisory groups for kōkako, kakapo and takahē, and has worked also with kakī, pāteke and kiwi recovery programmes, as well as with tui and bellbird restoration in urban environments. He has for a decade worked to collate biodiversity outcome data from pest control programmes of various kinds and is interested in objectives and outcomes of different sanctuary types in different landscapes and environments.
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