We are pleased to announce the following invited speakers have been confirmed.
Professor of Particle Physics, University of Sydney
Céline is an Astroparticle physicist which means she works at the interface of particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology. The results of e.g. WMAP and Planck experiments relieved that about 80% of the matter content of the Universe is invisible. Her job is to determine what this "dark" matter is made of. Discovering new particles for example would most likely reveal new fundamental laws in the Universe.
Céline obtained her PhD at Ecole Normale Superieure (Paris) in 2001, under the official supervision of Prof P. Fayet (and unofficial supervision of Prof R. Schaeffer at CEA, Saclay). In 2001, she was awarded a national fellowship in the UK to work with Prof J. Silk at Oxford University and, in 2004, another fellowship to work in the theory division at CERN.
Céline’s research involves:
Most of her work lies at the frontier of theoretical and experimental physics. One aspect of her job is to predict the signatures associated with theoretical dark matter models and identify the best strategy to detect these effects in particle and cosmology experiments. Another facet of her work is to use the results of experimental searches to confirm or rule out current theories of our Universe.
IOP National Coordinator Teacher NetworkEditor-in-Chief, Physics Education
Starting in physics education by working as a lab tech in a school for four years, teacher training at Cambridge University followed and after that, over a decade of experience teaching in a number of secondary schools in England and Wales. Joining the Editorial Board of the international physics teaching journal Physics Education and then starting as one of the first Network Coordinators for the Institute of Physics Teacher Network resulted in eventually becoming the Editor in Chief of the journal and the National Coordinator of the Teacher Network. In amongst that, overlapping the change of jobs, was a completed MPhil in Ellipsometry, looking at changes to the polarisation state of reflected light due to temperature.
Centre for Space Science Technology, Alexandra
University of Canterbury
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Canterbury, Christchurch
Sponsored by:
Head of Department of Radiology, University of Otago, Christchurch
Director of the New Zealand Climate Change Research Institute (NZCCRI) at Victoria University of Wellington
Principal Research Scientist, MSL
University of Canterbury (1968-2004)
Dr John Campbell is a retired lecturer at the University of Canterbury (1968-2004).
He is author of "Rutherford Scientist Supreme", www.rutherford.org.nz and is co-producer of the 3-hour documentary/DVD "Rutherford" which is based on his book.