Provisional Programme

Programme as at 22 May 2023. The committee reserves the right to update the programme as required.

Detailed content is provided in PDF above, summary of session times provided below.

Summary of session times

Day 1 | Tuesday 23 May 

10.30  - 12.30Mihi Whakatau
Conference Opening     
12.30  - 13.15Lunch and Networking
13.15  - 14.30Keynote Sessions
14.30  - 15.00Afternoon Tea and Networking
15.00  - 15.30Keynote Sessions
15.30  - 17.05Workshops
17.15Day 1 Summary

Day 2 | Wednesday 24 May 

08.00Registration Open                                                                                                                             
09.00  - 11.00Welcome to Day 2
Keynote Sessions
11.00  - 11.30Morning Tea and Networking
11.30  - 12.30Keynote Sessions
12.30  - 13.30Lunch and Networking
13.30  - 15.00Workshops
15.00  - 15.30Afternoon Tea and Networking
15.30  - 16.00Workshops
16.00  - 17.00Keynote Session
18.00  - LateReception and Community Housing Aotearoa Celebration Dinner

Day 3 | Thursday 25 May 

08.00Registration Open                                                                                                                        
09.00  - 09.30Welcome to Day 2
Keynote Sessions

09.15  - 09.30Keynote Sessions
09.30  - 11.00Workshops
11.00  - 11.30
Morning Tea and Networking
11.30  - 13.30Keynote Sessions
Conference Close and Poroporoaki
13.30  - 14.00Lunch and Networking
14.00Post Conference Workshop and Field Trips

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Gold Sponsor 



Silver Sponsors 






Conference Partner






Conference Organisers

Conferences & Events Ltd
PO Box 24078, Manners Street, Wellington, 6011
  +64 4 384 1511


This conference is organised bConferences & Events Ltd, Wellington, Auckland, Nelson & Nationwide.  We are a New Zealand business.